Undisclosed Chapters: Scratches on a Mirror
Wednesday, August 21
One Night Only
In Undisclosed Chapters: Scratches on a Mirror, Drew Merritt creates a haunting installation representative of a polluted mind. Flooded with a constant stream of information and stimuli that we discard as quickly as we consume, we are left with the ghosts of our own lived experiences, emotions and beliefs. Love, loss, hope and depression are explored in an ethereal backdrop referencing mythology, religion and the occult, in a seemingly futile attempt to navigate through the clutter and fog that surrounds us.
Drew Merritt, a self taught fine artist and muralist, balances his time between the farms of Clovis, New Mexico and his studio in downtown Los Angeles. Inspiration from these clashing environments, as well as his early influences of graffiti and classical painting, coalesce in a uniquely empathetic perspective on the subjects of his work. Open compositions bring focus to expertly rendered objects and figures highlighted to represent emotions, often subverted through the dichotomy of beauty and struggle.